St. ChristoCURES

St. ChristoCURES Team Page

St. ChristoCURES
St. Christopher's students, faculty, staff have joined together for well over a decade to raise money for Massey Cancer Center. This is a cause that affects several members of our community, and therefore, it affects us all. We would like to invite any member of the St. Christopher's School to join us in our efforts to raise as much money as we possibly can for Massey in order to promote cancer research and the quest to find a cure.

On the afternoon of April 1st, St. Christopher’s will host the Massey Mile, an all-school event. It will be an opportunity for everyone at the School to become a part of St. ChristoCURES.


raised of $30,000 goal

89 Fundraisers

Join Our Team

Recent Donations

Russell Gambrel$250
Good luck Dougie!
Richmond East Moose Lodge 1947$300
Richmond East Moose Lodge 1947
Major and Sassie$100
Proud of you for supporting this very important challenge.
Sandra Whitley
William B McGurn$250
~ Thanks for helping to fund cancer treatment and research at VCU! ~
Kathleen Kelleher Hornik$100
Dylan Bartlow$1,000
Keith Johnson$100
B&B98 Properties - anne p & joe g$75
What a Great Cause!!
Elsa Woodaman$100
Sheila Wade$25
Kara McQueen-Borden$25
Marilyn Sullivan$50
As a cancer survivor I can really appreciate your efforts to support such a good foundation. Hope we find a cure someday.
Mary F Anderson$100
In loving memory of David Anderson
Elisabeth & Broderick Mullins$100
Mason and Megan Lecky
Go Saints!
Meredith Smart
Go, Jen! You've got this!
Ashley Gallienne$25
LeeAnn Smith$25
Good luck Beauford!!
W. Shelton Hargette$26
George Tafel$50
Thanks for honoring Em!
Margaret Keightley$50
Steffanie Owens
Jordan Garcia$100
Demetra Haines$250
Dougie, We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments..including your fundraising for this worthy cause. Grandma and "The Boys"
Charlene Jones Fox$250
Katie Moorman$25
Kimberly A Marcia$100
Sandston Lodge #1937$250
Christine Longood
Thank you, Dougie!!
Mary Nesbitt$50
Ashley Soukup$50
Proud of you, Tate!
Jennifer Kaufman$100
Courtney Legum-Wenk$100
W. Shelton Hargette$26
Thank you for raising awareness!
Dorothy Goduti$25
Thank you Tate!!
Doug and Cherise Boardman
Keith Haskins$50
Find a cure!
Jennifer B Smith$50
In honor of the work your mother does.
Jane Baggett$50
Stephanie Herndon$100
Melissa Shaheen$100
We are so happy to support Dougie for such a great cause!
Joshua Garcia$500
cecelia boardman$500
Run Dougie run!
Jean M Garcia$50
Mark and Joni Dray$150
In honor of our grandson, Luke Hudson, and in memory of our God daughter, Caroline Wofford.
The Elams
Mary Hill$25
Thank you Tate!
Vickie Cecil$25
JCPenney and Terry. Moose Lodge
Vickie Cecil$25
Steve and Jennifer Moose Lodge
Wendy Urquhart$100
Keep up the good work Tate!!
Bradley Jaynes$100
Pete wilson$50
Good luck Tate!!!!
Macon Moring$50
Russell Cauble$25
Great work Freddie!
William/Laura Berry$25
Thank you, Beth!
Marissa Sanghvi$25
Donna Stein
Lynn L. Johnson$100
Great job, Freddie!
Dustin Jones$100
Bill Cooper$200
The Hedley Family
Andrew Mathews
Jennifer and Scott Ruth
Way to go Beauford! So proud of you! Jinks and Scott
Michael Mack
Sheila Knighton$100
Elizabeth Mangum$100
William Clarke$100
Thanks for including us, Freddie!
Farver family
Grayson Clarke$150
Amy Booker$25
David Montague$200
Jonathan Hannah$100
Rachit Kumar$25
Dee Dee & Bernie Boone$100
Mumford Fam$100
Proud of you!!
Ashley Morgan$25
Mom & Dad$100
Liza Hall
Edward Gardner$25
Jennifer and David Wilkins
Taylor Moorman$100
Sandra Hynson$100
Matty K.$100
This is for everyone who is waging the battle of their life but most especially in memory of Emily Tafel and in honor of Cody and their children.
William Judd
Ella Adams$35
David Jones$100
Great cause, Gavin! We are very proud of you and your commitment to help others.
Katherine Galloway$25
Go Mason!!!
Sheila Macfarlane$100
Craig Deardorff$50
Don Gehring$50
Celia Gehring$100
Thanks, T, for doing this!
Karen Kogon$100
Alexander Hamilton Ayers$10
Way to go James
Marv Wilson$100
In memory of your grandmother, Kathy. Well done, Tate.
Morgan Ream$25
Paige Cecil$50
Stephen and Liz Lecky$50
Charles J Wodehouse$250
Veronica Bouquet
Don Gehring$50
Celia Gehring$100
Thanks for doing this, Wright!
Carol M Napier$100
So very proud of this effort !
Vickie Cecil$100
We are so proud of you Tate! Love Pops and Meme!
Preston and Blair Dillard$500
Thanks for supporting Massey Cancer
Kathleen Barbour-Roberts$100
Timothy L. Knighton$100
Lisa Hunter
Ted Ukrop$100
Anne Wesley Gehring$25
Regina Brandon$25
keep rocking in the free world
Kelly Barbour$100
Mason and Marie Ayers$100
elizabeth bouquet$200
Brett Hawkins$100
Amy Stuart$50
F Scott Reed$100
Reeds are so proud of Beauford!! And all he does.
Moring Building$150
Nan Tafel$250
Sarah Ayers$100
Megan and Peter White$50
Scott Miller$50
Maria and Bailey puntereri$100
Joy Jones$50
Marjorie and Ryan Childress$100
Davis, run like the JOYful wind. So impressed with your tenacity and grit - just like our Emily. So much energy, love and positivity shining down on this run because of our friend Emily. Go team! Marjorie and Ryan
Emily and Malcolm Randolph$100
Meghan Mack
Ingrid Davis$50
Cate Mack$10
Mary Buford Guthridge
Rachel Cook$250
Proud of you TM!
Foster Jennings Jr$100
In memory of Emily and in honor of Amy
Bruce James$150
Sharon and Chris Dion$100
Mara and Davis Wrinkle$1,250
Dirk Junge$1,250
Amanda Galanti$50
Keith Tichenor
Wonderful cause in memory of a wonderful person!
Danielle Wise$100
Thanks for doing this in Emily’s memory!💕✝️
Chris Allison$100
Davis- Cody forwarded your appeal, and glad to help with a good cause and in memory of such a wonderful member and friend of our church. Emily is, and will always be, dearly missed. Blessed that her many friends and family in the community continue to amplify her spirit of love and giving, particularly as Easter and its message of salvation and mercy approaches. Good luck on the run!
Muscoe Garnett
Julie and Patrick$250
Crush it for Em!
Rebecca and Michael Pope$100
Ben Goodman$25
James River Construction LLC$100
Supporting Mason Witt
Susan Boney$100
Katherine Ferguson$50
James Cody Tafel$250
Thank you for honoring Emily's memory!
Keri Roberts$50
Tripp Taliaferro$100
Kevin Baldwin$50
Sloan L Hiscock$50
This is amazing, Davis! Sweet Emily is so missed, but her memory lives on!
John Neal$100
Deborah Denton$100
Shelt Horsley$250
Anne Hall$75
Congratulations, Claiborne, for raising funds for such a great cause! Love, E
Mason and Megan Lecky$100
Luu Family$500
Janet James$400
So proud of you!
Harrison Hall
Whitney Ward
Ron Burgundy$100
In memory or Paw Paw and Bacon
Bo Hawthorne$50
Beverley Dalton$250
Renee Coxey Stavisky$50
Kim Dobzyniak$50
whitney melton
“He’s soooo D1”
Deanna Knobelspiesse$25
In honor of Kim and her mom!
Eric Lucas$250
Zaki and Hasmik Malek$1,000
Zakary, we are proud of you for supporting the fight against cancer.
deana malek$1,000
Go Zakary! I am so proud of you for raising money to fight cancer!
Craig and Lucy Davis$50
Jennie Every$50
Amelia Grover
Frank Orgain$25
Mindy Cox$25
Kristen Fournier$250
Allyson England Drake$25
Ashley Johnson$50
Way to go, Mason!!
Skip sprye$50
With love
kirby Mcelroy$50
Emily Sleeme
Burns Lewis$100
Dabney Morris $100
Roz Marcus$100
In memory of my dear sister who I think of almost everyday. Love you to the moon and back. I know she would be proud of the fabulous woman you are. ❤️❤️❤️
Tiffany Conner
In honor of my mom.
Terry Sydnor$250
Bryan/Anna Horner$50
Dee would be very proud, Mason!
Stephen Sovinsky$10
Dr. Kris Bandal$50
Becky and Tommy Hudson$100
So very proud of you as we know your parents would have been Love Mimi and Papa
Monica Rawles$50
Phil&Jossie Schlobohm$100
Keep running. The cure will come in your lifetime.
Phil & Jossie Schlobohm$100
Cancer will be cured in your lifetime. Keep running!
Tricia & Bob$100
Such a great cause
Tracy Lutke$25
Go Mason! We are rooting for you!!
Margaret Harkins$100
Thank you for working to raise money for this great cause.
Betsy and Don Lecky$100
This is wonderful Ayden! Thank you so much. I'm certain your other Grandma Sue would be equally touched. Love you!!!
Karen Hargrove$25
Way to go, Mason!!
Tricia Branch$25
So proud of you Patteson!
Beverly Branch$100
What a wonderful cause you and your team have been doing to support the research and treatment of cancer. I believe your generation will continue to make great progress in early detection and treatment of cancer. I’m so proud of you. Love, Bebe
Rhonda Sydnor$50
Pat Hargrove
Go Mason
Leslie Millman
Way to go, Mason! We support you ! Love, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Jay
Mason hope you make your goal quickly.
Allyson Diljohn$25