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Superheroes for HOPE

Superheroes For HOPE

Superheroes for HOPE

In 2004 Disney/Pixar released their film The Incredibles. Haven't seen it? We'll wait while you go check it out...
Well, in The Incredibles movie, the world's superheroes spend their days fighting a battle against the villains plaguing the earth. It's a hard and tiring fight, but they keep at it each and every day.

But they don't do it alone. Edna Mode is right there, making sure each one has just the outfit to suit his or her special needs before they go out into battle. It's Edna's super suits that let the superheroes continue to fight, each and every day.

Here in Richmond, Virginia, we have our own superheroes - the Superheroes for HOPE have been fighting the war against cancer since 2012 - running race after race in support of Team Massey and the Massey Challenge to ensure that one day - one day very soon - cancer will no longer plague our planet.


One of two men and one of three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. The odds are that someone we know is battling cancer right now. VCU Massey Cancer Center is fighting to save lives and find a cure right here in Virginia. While progress is being made every day – we need your help.

We are proud to be running the Ukrops Monument Avenue 10k presented by Kroger to raise money for cancer research at the VCU Massey Cancer Center.

Fortunately, the team is comprised of highly dedicated individuals committed to coming together and fundraising for the Massey Challenge.
Previous years have proven to be an outstanding success. Even more amazing is that 100% of all donations were directly passed through to the VCU Massey Cancer Center. Each year the overall goal of the Superheroes for HOPE is to further the research for a cure.
Please join me by making Superheroes for HOPE on behalf of the Massey Cancer Center and the Massey Challenge your avenue to making a difference in the fight against cancer. Every donation matters. If you are unsure how much to donate, consider contributing the cost of a nice dinner out. Or a cup of coffee. Any and every amount matters. If you can dedicate fifty or one hundred dollars to further the research for a cure, you will be in good company.

It is important to note the names of the people affected by cancer that we will carry with us on this journey. Myself, as well as all other members of the Superheroes for HOPE team will carry names of those who have struggled and won and lost the battle against any form of cancer. The names of those who are still fighting and the names of those who love and support them.

Their struggles are not forgotten as we keep pushing toward a cure.
If there is someone special to you that you would like us to run/walk in honor/memory of, please let us know and we will also carry their name with us during our race.

We also ask you to do one more thing to help out...spread the word. If you think this is a worthwhile cause, please forward this to someone you know who may be interested to contribute to this important cause. After all, there is still more to be done at the VCU Massey Cancer Center and they need our help.

Many thanks in advance for joining us in this challenge.

The best part, thanks to Massey’s corporate partners – 100 percent of every dollar you donate goes directly to fuel cancer research at VCU Massey Cancer Center in 2019 and beyond.

Together, we can put cancer on the run!


raised of $5,000 goal

3 Fundraisers

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